Contents Retirement Benefits Screen

Existing Retirement Plan Options/Deductions

Field Description

This column displays your current retirement plan options.

Calculation Method

The Calculation Method (or deduction method) is based on the options that your company administrator has set up.

If there are multiple options, this field will contain a drop-down list of selections.

Current Percent/Amount

This field displays the amount (or percentage, depending on the Calculation Method selected) of your current deferred retirement election.

New Percent/Amount

This field displays the amount (or percentage, depending on the Calculation Method selected) of your current deferred retirement election. If you have pending changes, the pending percentage or amount displays here.

New Retirement Plan Options/Deductions

This table displays retirement benefit plan options that were not previously available to you.

If no new retirement benefit options exist, the table does not display.

Field Description

This column displays the new retirement benefit options.

Calculation Method

The Calculation Method (or deduction method) is based on the options that your company administrator has set up.

If there are multiple options, this field will contain a drop-down list of selections.

New Percent/Amount

Enter the amount (or percentage, depending on the Calculation Method selected) of your new deferred retirement election.

You will see an error message if your amount or percentage is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum set by your company administrator.